0% financing
Free shipping
Free returns

Payments Methods


Choose from the following payment methods:


Easy, quick and secure:
With PayPal you can easily, quickly and securely pay for your order. Use your existing PayPal account and easily pay for the order you have placed in our shop. We generally receive the payment confirmation from PayPal right away and can process your order immediately.

Please be aware:
We can only ship your order once we receive confirmation of payment from PayPal! Depending on the payment options in your PayPal settings, it can take up to a few days for PayPal to confirm payment. If PayPal cannot issue a confirmation of payment without 9 days, the customer order is automatically canceled by PayPal.

Do you still need to sign up for PayPal? Then register your bank account with PayPal in just a few clicks. From this point on you can safely make purchases on the internet without giving your bank details to third parties.

You can find additional information about Paypal here.

Credit card

You can also easily and securely pay with credit card. We accept Master Card and Visa.

In the event of a return, we will credit the amount to your credit card account as quickly as possible once we have processed and checked the returned item in our logistics center.

Your credit card information is sent encoded per SSL process. This high security standard ensures a secure purchase at hammer-fitness.ch. You can find more information about privacy protection here.

Prepayment / bank transfer

If you choose the prepayment option, you immediately receive an email confirmation once the order has been placed. The email includes our bank details. We will immediately get your delivery on the road once your payment has been received.

Please be aware that it may take 2-4 business days for your payment to appear on the account, depending on your credit institute. Payments made from countries besides Germany may take up to 5 workdays.

Your item remains reserved under your name until your payment has been booked (maximum 9 days).

Purchase processing

You will receive a confirmation in just a few minutes once you have made your purchase. The confirmation includes the items purchased, the delivery and billing address and the total amount. Please contact us immediately if you find a mistake, for example an incorrect delivery address, so that we can fix the mistake.

Image source: ©maxxasatori - stock.adobe.com
